Post Notes – Eastman Raiders vs Interlake Thunder
September 10, 2017 in Stonewall, MB – 4:30 p.m.
The players were announced over the intercom at the other football field where a bantam team was practicing. Each player was announced by Name and Number.
It was a very warm but very windy afternoon. Thank goodness for the breeze or those players would have been melting.
Raiders start it off with a kick off by #1
Interlake player #1 receives
Interlake hands off the ball to #3. #11 raider player makes the tackle
Interlake player #14 huts the ball to #2. Handed off to #90. Turned over by Raiders.
Interlake quarterback tapped twice by raiders. Once by #90.
Interlake attempts to hand off to #3. No yards made.
Raiders offence takes the field.
#30 runs the ball. Tackled by Interlake.
#20 hands off the ball to #1. Touchdown by Raiders.
Successful convert attempt by Raiders by #30.
Interlake offence takes the field along with Raider defence line
Raider player #25 kicks the ball.
Interlake player #2 receives and then tackled by Raider #25.
Interlake quarterback #2 attempts a throw to #11. Incomplete.
Interlake quarterback #2 passes off ball to #11 who runs the ball for a touchdown.
Successful convert by interlake player #30.
Interlake player #6 kicks. Received by Raider #11.
Raider quarterback #1 attempts throw to raider player. Incomplete. Close turn over by interlake.
Raider quarterback attempts throw to raider player #11. Incomplete.
Raider quarterback hands off ball to raider player #11. Tackled by Interlake player #90.
Good yards made.
Raider quarterback hands off ball to raider player #31. Touchdown Raiders.
Unsuccessful convert by Raiders. Raider player #90 tackled by Interlake player # 69.
Eastman defence takes the field.
Raider player #1 kciks. Received by Interlake. Interlake player tackled by Raider player #30.
Interlake quarterback #2 hands off ball to #6. Tackled by Raider #30.
Interlake quarterback attempts throw. Incomplete.
Interlake quarterback hands off ball to player #11. Tackled by Raider #25.
Interlake quarterback hands off ball to player #11. Tackled by Raider #30.
Interlake quarterback hands off ball to player #6. Tackled by Raider #9.
Raider offence takes the field.
Raider quarterback #1 runs the ball. Tackled by Thunder #34.
Raider quarterback hands off the ball to Raider # 10.
Raider quarterback hands off the ball to Raider #1. Touchdown Raiders.
Convert attempt by Raiders is successful.
Half time
Interlake Thunder #34 does the kick off. Raider #1 receives and runs for touchdown.
Successful convert by Raiders. #30 raider ran the ball.
Raider #92 does the kick off. No yards. Referree calls to re-kick.
Raider #92 kicks off. Thunder player #21 receives and runs. Tackled by Raider #25.
Interlake fumbles the ball. Referee calls for repeat attempt of first down.
Thunder player #3 runs the ball. Tackled by Raider #35.
Thunder player #11 attempts to hand off ball. Fumbled. Incomplete.
Thunder player #68 hands off ball to player #11. Touchdown.
Successful convert by Thunder player #3.
Eastman offence takes the field.
Interlake player #85 kicks the ball. Raider player #9 receives. Tackled by Thunder.
Raider quarterback #20 hands off ball to player #10. #10 runs the ball. Tackled by Interlake.
Raider player #10 runs the ball. Touchdown eastman.
Incomplete convert attmept by raiders. Throw attempt to #9.
Raiders defence takes the field.
Raider player #1 kicks off. Received by Thunder player #90. Tackled by Raider #11.
Thunder quarterback #68 hands off ball to player# 3. Tackled by Raider #30.
Thunder quarterback #68 ran the ball. Tackled by Raider #30. Called back by ref.
Thunder quarterback #68 attempts throw. Incomplete.
Thunder player #80 runs the ball. Tackled by Raider #11.
Thunder player #34 runs the ball. Tackled by Raider #11.
Thunder player #34 runs the ball. Tackled by Raiders.
Thunder quarterback #68 hands off ball to #111. Tackled by Raider #30.
Eastman offence takes the field.
Raider quarterback hands off ball to #92. Multiple fake outs by raider players. Tackled by Thunder.
Raider quarterback #1 throw attempt to #30. Incomplete.
Raider quarterback #1 throw attempt to #30 Incomplete.
Game over. Great game by all.