Kickoff to raiders #10 griffen carries for 6 yards # 30 Parker # carries for 10 yards 1st down raiders throw to #11 Richard for touchdown 6 plus convert 1 kickoff to nationals tackled by#66 tucker 1st down tackled by #9 jireh 3rd down tackle by # 25 Greyson #35 Kieran #10 griffen and #66 tucker incomplete pass raiders ball #30 Parker runs for the touchdown convert no good kickoff to nationals run and tackled by #9 jireh and #25,Greyson nationals run and score plus convert kickoff to raiders they score 6 no convert kickoff to nationals tackled by # 9 jireh and # 35 Kieran 1st down tackled by # 90 trey and # 66 tucker nationals score 6 no convert kickoff to raiders run by # 30 Parker touchdown no convert kickoff to nationals tackled by #25 Greyson no gain 2nd down tackled by #11 Richard and #25 Greyson 3rd tackle by # 25 Greyson raiders ball big run #9 jireh then #11 Richard runs for the touchdown convert good by #90 trey nationals ball tackled by #25 Greyson and 7 Noah 2nd tackled by #30 Parker no gain 3rd tackled by # 30 Parker and #7 Noah raiders ball big run by #10 griffen 1 down run by #9 jireh for touchdown kickoff to nationals raiders recover and run for touchdown end of game