1st Down Program

Registration is now open for the 1st Down Program! Follow the link at the bottom of the post to complete the fully online registration process.

1st Down is a program focused on developing fundamental movement skills and physical literacy in a football environment. It will include non-contact games and drills with a focus on fun and skill development that will be of benefit regardless of any sport they choose to participate in as they grow.

Age groups include 4-5 and 6-7 (based on year of birth not age at time of registration).

The format will be 2 – 1 hour sessions per week August through October. We are starting on Tuesday, August 14th and running Tuesdays and Thursdays from 6-7pm.

The cost for joining the program is set at $59.00 plus GST which will be paid online to Football Manitoba at the time of registration. The cost of registration includes a 1st Down t-shirt which will be yours to keep along with everything needed to participate in the program.
As the program is not run by the Eastman Raiders, if you will be utilizing KidSport or Jump Start for subsidy, the forms will need to go through Football Manitoba for completion. Use the contact information provided throughout the online registration process to arrange.
Refunds will be provided by Football Manitoba less a $25 admin fee up to 7 days prior to the start of the program.

There is a great need for volunteers to run this program as it will be run in conjunction with our regular tackle football league. If you are at all interested in helping out or want to learn more about leading a team or being on the field to help out, contact money.raiders@gmail.com.

1st Down Registration LInk