2022 First Down Registration

Online registration for the 2022 First Down Program is now open. First Down is open to everyone born on or between 2015 and 2017.

The First Down program, an initiative of Football Canada, is a non-contact program for all children and introduces the game of football through age-appropriate games and drills in a safe, fun environment.

Eight one-hour sessions develop fundamental movement skills like running, throwing, catching, and kicking. The program incorporates football related movements, activities, and skills to help build physical literacy.

Our program lasts four weeks and is conducted entirely at our field in Steinbach. The program does not require the participant to provide any equipment.

Total Fees

The fee for the 2022 First Down Program is $80.


This year the program will be run on the following dates starting at 6.30pm and running until 7.30pm:

  • Week 1 – June 7 and 9
  • Week 2 – June 14 and 16
  • Week 3 – June 21 and 23
  • Week 4 – June 28 and 30

Financial Assistance Through KidSport and Jumpstart:

  • KidSport and Jumpstart are national charities administered by Sport Manitoba and Canadian Tire respectively that helps to remove barriers and assist children to participate in sport – so all kids can play.
  • Based on demonstrated need, assistance is available for children between the ages of 5 and 18 to help offset the cost of the registration fees.

Please visit the Jumpstart or KidSport websites for more information and to apply for assistance online.

If you are planning to use either the KidSport or Jumpstart program, then please contact us using the form on our Contact page prior to starting the registration process.

Click the Registration Bar to Register