Join us for Pizza at Boston Pizza in Steinbach on Saturday, March 22nd and lend your support.
Boston Pizza Fundraiser Tickets
We’ll be in touch with details on how to pay..
Bison Prep Camp Registration

Registration for the 2024 Bison Football Prep Camp is now open. Learn more and register here.
Click on the link to find out more and register.
Thank You Everyone

We are All Done for Another Year
We would like to thank all our players for making this a fantastic season. You guys are the reason that we do what we do. Thanks to all the parents for their support during our practices, games, and events. It really does make a difference to the players. Thanks to all our coaches, trainers, and team managers, this simply isn’t possible without your help.
We are already working on next season so check back regularly or follow us on social media for updates on registration.
Would you like to be added to our mailing list so that we can keep you informed of registration dates? Just follow this link and complete the form.
Registration for Spring Flag Now Open

Registration for the Football Manitoba Flag League is now open. Follow the link to learn how to register and play on one of our teams.
Click here for more information

With registration for the 2023 Manitoba Girls Football Association season opening in a few weeks’ time, here’s your opportunity to try football for FREE with the Bombers GirlsPlayFootball Camp.
Click on the below link to head over to the Bombers website and register now.
Ashton Fehr
Anyone who wants to make a donation to the family please follow the link to a gofundme page https://www.gofundme.com/f/ashton-fehr-memorial-fund.

Football Manitoba 2021 Mega Raffle

Support the Eastman Raiders by Entering the Football Manitoba 2021 Mega Raffle for Your Chance to Win $$$$$
With the prize pot growing with every purchase, the Football Manitoba 2021 Mega Raffle is your chance to help support the Eastman Raiders and have a chance at winning the cash prize.
The draw takes place on November 15th, 2021 so just in time to top up your Xmas funds.
For the rules and to find out how you can enter, click on this link.
Don’t forget to select the Eastman Raiders Football Club from the competitor drop down menu when you purchase your tickets and thank you for your continuing support of the Eastman Raiders.
2021 Tackle Program
For information on our 2021 Tackle Program follow the link here.
2021 Football Programs
Club Statement
Bryson Friesen
The Eastman Raiders Football Club is saddened to learn of the passing this week of former player Bryson Friesen.
Our thoughts are with his family at this time.
Return to Play – Tackle Football

Club Statement – Return to Play
Following the release of the Football Manitoba’s (FM) Return to Play protocols just over a week ago, the Club underwent an extensive review of the protocols and came to the decision that in the interests of player safety, we will not be undertaking a tackle program this year.
The Club also recognized that with the FM Return to Play requirement that players do not participate in any other organized sports, our numbers would be so depressed that we wouldn’t be able to have enough players to play games internally.
Our decision not to offer a tackle program this year has been mirrored by all of the other Manitoba Minor Football Association (MMFA) Clubs, who have also confirmed that they will not have a tackle program this year.
Looking ahead, the Board will now be looking at setting up a Winter/Spring indoor camp with a view to, hopefully, having a more normal season in 2021.
Tackle Football – Return to Play

Club Statement – Return to Tackle Football
As many of you may have seen, Football Manitoba’s Tackle Football – Return to Play protocols have been approved by the Province.
We know that many of you will be as excited as we are at the prospect of tackle football returning this season and you will have questions.
We’re looking at the protocols to see how we can make this work and we’ll hopefully be able to make a further announcement soon. Thank you all for your patience.
Take Pride Cleaning

We Need to Say Thank You!!!!
We’d like to thank Take Pride Cleaning for coming out to camp and helping us keep our facilities clean. You can find out more about the services they offer at their website http://takepridecleaning.ca/
Take Pride Cleaning is a local Steinbach based cleaning company providing professional commercial and residential cleaning services in Southeastern Manitoba and Winnipeg.
We’re Back with our Summer Skills Camp

We’re Back!!!!
After a long shutdown, we’re finally able to get back to some football. Although we may not be back to full play (yet), we are able to offer our Summer Skills Camp.
In order to get us back on the field, we’re introducing some new protocols for our players and staff. You can read more about those by clicking on this link.
Back to Play Update
As many of you will have seen, Football Manitoba have reopened the registration portal for their flag football program. After several months of uncertainty this is a welcome development in the process of getting us back on the field.
The club is currently working with Football Manitoba and the Manitoba Minor Football Association to come up with a “Return to Play” policy that would allow us to offer skills-based/position training camps and 1st Down programs for the Raiders community. We are also looking at ways in which we can start moving towards playing tackle football, although due to the necessary close proximity of players, this may prove a bit more of a challenge.
Once we have a clear path forward and registration is open for our various programs we’ll be posting here and through our various social media platforms.
Gavin Don – President
Message From Football Canada
In response, Football Canada along with our Members and stakeholders are engaged in daily consultation through our Return-to-Football Task Force. The goal is the Return-to-Football guide which will provide our Members a step-by-step guideline in alignment with provincial and local government and health authorities. We are vetting the plan in consultation with legal and medical experts.
While Football Canada will provide a national guide to Members, the Return-to-Football plan will progress at different speeds at different times based on direction provided to Members from local and provincial health authorities.
We are fortunate in football as versions of participation in our sport come in many forms, from contact to non-contact, with varying number of participants including football specific training. This will provide our Members the ability to respond to directives from their local governments in appropriate phases.
Currently, Football Canada is providing an opportunity to remain engaged in the game through our ‘Football From Home” programming. More information can be found here: http://footballcanada.com/football-from-home/.
The health and safety of everyone involved in our game determines how and when we return. Football prides itself on being the ultimate team sport and only by working together will we be able to be able to successfully return to our communities.
Your passion fuels our sport. Your thoughtful determination will bring us back through these challenging times. Thank you for your commitment to football and we look forward to seeing you back on the field as soon as possible.
Football Canada

Spring Camp 2020

Peewee Playoff Game Postponed
The Peewee playoff game scheduled to be played on Monday 14th will now be played at 10.30 AM on October 20th at 10.30 AM @ AD Penner Park
1st Down
Now that the 1st Down Program has finished for this year, on behalf of everyone involved with the Eastman Raiders, a huge thank you to all our players that signed up to participate in this season’s 1st Down Program. It’s always great to see you on the field having so much fun. Hope to see you all again next year, either in 1st Down or in the Tackle program.
I’d also like to say a huge thank you to all of our volunteer coaches who helped to make the program such a success.
Finally, after 8 years of being involved with the Raiders, our 1st Down Coordinator, Coach Charli, has decided to call time on her involvement with the Raiders. On behalf of the Board and all of the players you have coached and inspired, thank you. Don’t be a stranger.
Eastman Raiders 1st Down – Class of 2019.