Fancy trying something different. This year for the first time the Eastman Raiders in association with Football Manitoba are bringing flag football to the Eastman area. The program is open to all players aged 7-18. This is an ideal introduction to football for those who have never played before and a great way for our tackle players to get in some additional game time before tackle season. No experience is necessary! Only the desire to come out and have a ton of fun!
The program runs from late April until late June and the intention is for the main program to be run entirely in Steinbach. There may be an opputunity to travel to Winnipeg to play at IGF to compete against teams from the Winnipeg league on Championship Weekend at the end of June.
As this is a Football Manitoba program and not an MMFA program, the usual catchment areas are not in effect, meaning anyone can come and join the fun in Steinbach.
You can register as an individual, together with a group of friends…or register an entire team! Indivudal players will be placed on teams that are formed in your area of the city to make practices (if your team chooses to do so) easier.
If you have friends that you want to play with but don’t have enough for an entire team, simply list their names on the registration form and we will make sure that you all get placed together on a team. If you have a parent that is willing to coach you and your friends but possibly not a full roster, you can register a team name for you and your friends to be placed on and we will add additional players from your area so that you have enough.
If you have a full team of players and want to register a full team, that is also an option. While we can often find coaches for teams without a coach, it is easier if you can find a parent or someone else to help you out.
Financial Assistance Through Jumpstart and KidSport Manitoba:
- Jumpstart and KidSport are national charities administered by Canadian Tire and Sport Manitoba respectively that helps to remove barriers and assist less fortunate children to participate in sport – so all kids can play.
- Based on demonstrated need, assistance is available to children between the ages of 5 and 18 to help offset the cost of registration fees.
- Did you know: Flag Football and Tackle Football are two different sports, meaning that you may be eligible for funding for both programs.
Please visit the Jumpstart or KidSport websites for more information. If you are planing on applying for financial assistance, please do not use the registration link above, but instead contact our Registrar, Kristy Scheper at and we’ll help guide you through the process.