Game 2: Raiders Atom Teal vs. Rods, August 24

1st Quarter
As we stepped out of our vehicles and walked towards the field, we all knew the heat was the winner here. It was a hot, humid sunny day. We started off with the ball but with 3 short tackles, by the Rods, we knew it would be a challenging game. The Rods fumbled their ball, we tackled for a 3rd and 4th down and our offense was out once again. We had another 2 short tackles by the Rods and started to think I was watching a ping pong match as the ball seemed to be switching teams just as fast. Then out of nowhere Evan had his chance and made a run to give as a first down when he was pushed out of bounds by the Rods. Kelbyn tried to keep the momentum going but was quickly tackled by the Rods. For a 2nd down but quickly brought us back to a first down on the next play. As the game went on The Rods got their first touchdown and ran the ball for the extra point. The Rods kicked and Zach V. made an awesome catch and was taken down at the 50 yrd line. Gabryal had a good, short run for a 2nd down and Jayden caught a great pass just short for a 3rd down. Zach Y. made an awesome attempt to run but The Rods just wouldn’t give him the chance and then out came the defense. Once the defense was out, Zach D. and Evan helped each other out to take down The Rods for a 1st down. Matthew made a quick work for The Rods when he made a tackle for a 2nd down. The Raiders tackled The Rods for a 3rd down but The Rods big guy #61, ran for a 1st down and was brought down by Matthew and Kelblyn. The Rods then fumbled and recovered the ball but Dominic D. brought him down. The Rods then snuck in their second touch down but could not make the run for a score of 0-13

2nd Quarter
The Rods kicked and made some quick tackles on our offense. Zach Y. was tackled for a 2nd and 3rd down. Zach H. got the ball and made a good run but was tackled for a switch.
#7 Rods was running pretty good and weaving through our guys until Mackenzie and Kelbyn took him down, and he was brought down again but this time, by Gabryal. Who was also brought down by #99 in the next play too! The Rods #95 fumbled the ball for a third down.
Mackenzie and Jayden teamed up and took down The Rods #85, who was injured and could not return to the game. Evan made short work of The Rods big guy #61 for a 2nd down. The Rods then stepped up their blocking long enough to allow their #17 to run in for a touch down, but did not make the run for the extra point for a score of 1-19.

3rd Quarter
The Rods made an illegal kick 1st down on the 55 yrd line. Jayden tried to run but was stopped for a 2nd down and the next play was the same but with Zach H. for a 3rd down. Zach V. made an awesome pass that was caught by Jayden but The Rods quickly worked to bring us down and then out came the defense. #99 Rods tried to run but was brought down by Kelbyn for a 2nd down. #99 Rods made a 1st down in the next play but Evan stopped him from going any further by pushing him out of bounds. Dominic R. stopped #99 Rods short for a 2nd down. #99 found a hole because he made a touch down and then followed it with a run for a score of 0-26. The Rods kick was caught by Zach V. but he was brought down by Rods #20. Jayden had a good run as his team mates did some good blocking for him to be able to make a 1st down. We then 3 short tackles which brought out our defense. Kelbyn made a great tackle on the #61 Big guy and the #7 Rods was making a good run until Dominic R. brought him down just before he was able to make a touch down. Gabryal made a great attempt the hold down #7 Rods but he was able to make a touch down to give a score of 0-30, The Rods also made the run. The Raiders offense came out just in time for half time.

Half Time
A break was what we needed, we made a couple 1st downs to give Zach Y. just what he needed when he ran in for our first touch down of the game. I think everyone felt the energy Zach Y. had going on when he scored. We had some good tackles, and some fumbles but it was not good enough to stop The Rods from making another touch down. Which made the score of 6-36 at the start of the 4th quarter.

4th Quarter
We had a couple good tackles made by Kelbyn and Caleb, Evan made an awesome stop of #7 for a turn over. We had a couple short runs and a fumble that was picked up by The Rods and we stopped them there. The defense came out and #61 Rods can in a touch down but have an incomplete run for a score of 6-36. The rods kicked the ball and It was grabbed by Zach V, and we had the 3 minutes warning. The Raiders made an attempt to pass but #91 Rods snatched it and went in for the touch down and followed it up with the run. The game ended with a 6-36 score but it was another learning experience for our team, who is looking up!