1st Quarter
Nomads kick off Raiders return for 2 yards at the 53 yard line
11:#30 runs for 23 yards and a first down
10:28 Illegal contact nomads 15 yard penalty 1st down raiders
9:44 fumble raiders. recovery fumble on raiders number 30
8:24 illegal contact 25 raiders. 15 yard penalty 1st down nomads
7:32 false start nomads 5 yard penalty 2 down
4:20 #30 runs for 12 or so yards 1st down
3:09 #37 reception from QB 12 yards
1:35 touchdown raiders number 16 runs in the end zone
Conversion failed. Line collapsed
1:30 raiders kick nomads haunted at the 50 yard line
End of quarter. Raiders number 25 interception runs for a touchdown! 12-0
#30 runs in for a 1 point conversion
End of first quarter
Raiders 13 nomads 0
2nd quarter
Nomads return. Penalty on play. Nomads fouled. 10 yard penalty 1st down at the 40 yard line
8:49 nomads break D and run for a touchdown
Raiders 13 nomads 6
Nomads for 1pt conversion failed
Raiders 13 nomads
Nomads kick. Raiders return to their 55 yard line
7:24 Nomads player # 77down at 50 yard line. Ok and able to walk off the field
7:09 mikka raiders throws for 20 some yards. 1st down
7:58 mikka throws to 37. 37 runs in the end zone for touchdown
1 point conversion raiders
Raiders 20 nomads 7
3:26 no 30 runs for 30 some yards.
Mikka passes to TE for touchdown no 37
Raiders Conversion failed!
Raiders 26 nomads 7
1:45 nomads punt away raiders catch/fumble but recover their 35 yard line
00:28 Nomads player injured but ok. Manages to walk off field
00:03 Nomads no 23 runs in ball for touchdown
Raiders 26 nomads 13
Nomads 1 pt Conversion success
Raiders 27 nomads 13
3rd quarter
Nomads return downed at 63 yard line
10:22 Nomads 23 runs in for touchdown
Raiders 26 nomads 19
Nomads 1pt conversion success
Raiders 26 nomads 20
10:22 nomads kick raiders no 30 returns for 11 or so yards. Downed at 56 yard line
8:51 Raiders run for over 20
6:32 Raiders pass for 8 or so yards fail to get first nomads ball
1:33 nomads no 41 runs in for touchdown
Raiders 26 nomads 26
Raiders no 41 injured but ok
1:33 Nomads 1 pt conversion success
Raiders 26 nomads 27
1:15 raiders return kick. Downed at 47 yard line
4th quarter
12:00 raiders 93 runs for 1st down
11:00 QB 16 throws to no 30 coverts to a first down
Raiders Fail to convert nomads ball
8:58 nomads injury. Player ok to walk off field
6:20 nomads no 6 run in for touch Down
Raiders 26 nomads 33
Nomads 1pt conversion success
Nomads 34 raiders 26
5:03 Raiders return kick downed at 45 yard line
2:25 raiders return football for a long distance run! no 30 runs to their 35 yard line
00:49 raiders 37 runs to a first and goal
Raiders 74 receives pass and runs in to score a touchdown
End score
Nomads 34 raiders 32